Tiere in Not Odenwald e.V.
Our current time is a time of change! It seems that come more and more disasters to mankind, we encounter in the news daily horrors such as climate change, depletion of resources, hunger, suffering, and many more horror stories.
And yet many of these horrors apparently always still far away. But there are tragedies not only on the other side of the Earth, but also in our vicinity, often right in front of our door. And it's not just humanity, has to cope with the disaster.
An equally hard battle for survival as we fight our home planet itself and our animal roommates!
The VERITAS DATA GmbH is aware of its responsibility and want to support here and help.
Therefore we engage ourselves financially and energetically with the non-profit society for the prevention of cruelty to animals animals in emergency Odenwald registered association. Here unique concept of the ?meeting place for humans and animal? (source: http://www.tiere-in-not-odenwald.de), with which largest value is put on kind-fair attitude and the well-being of the animals in the foreground, earns in each case support. Like any other non-profit organization, TINO is dependent on donations, financial, material and non-material.
Let us help together and learn here more!